Contract Agreement

U.S. Navy approval has been secured for a dive expedition in Pearl Harbor to search for evidence of a midget submarine attack and sinking of the U.S.S. OKLAHOMA. We have signed with a successful production company and the last step is securing a Network for a documentary.

America’s Hidden Stories

Episode 6, “The Pearl Harbor Spies”, aired on March 25, 2019, and featured Michael as a guest Historian and the episode’s Interviewer. The episode may be viewed in its entirety on YouTube or Smithsonian Channel.

Finding Amelia

After a month-long Pacific Expedition, a Network contract for a two-hour television documentary was signed. A summer 2024 air date is tentatively set on Discovery Channel.

Adventures in History

A new series will kick off with premiere episodes following the investigation into the sinking of the battleship OKLAHOMA at Pearl Harbor and the loss of 429 Americans.

7 Contracted Episodes

Our first season of Adventures in History will look back in time…the JFK Assassination, Amelia Earhart, Medal of Honor recipient – “Butch” O’Hare, WASP’s, Guadalcanal, PT Boats, and more…

What We Have

After 81 years of the Navy Base being restricted from public access, formal U.S. Navy permission to dive in Pearl Harbor has been secured.

Contact Us

Advance Services Productions

537 Wentworth Circle, Aiken, South Carolina 29803, United States
Phone  (310) 749.7388


Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed

Copyright © 2020 Advance Services Productions – All Rights Reserved.