Adventures in History

Adventures in History

Adventures in History

Keynote Speaker and Historian Michael Carra

Through 45-60 minute keynote speeches, Michael Carra presents a unique mix of historical facts, about key people and events that had an impact on world, military, and aviation history via an extensive collection of PowerPoint slides and an engaging “storytelling” delivery style. 

Although his main topics are the history of the attack on Pearl Harbor and specific Pearl Harbor events, including the submarine attack and spy network, his other topics include significant historical aviation events, Aircraft Profiles, U.S. Astronauts, and Medal of Honor recipients.  He tailors the content of each presentation to the specific nature of the event, organization, and audience.

Mission Statement


Advance Services Productions, LLC

We at ASP, specialize in creating factual, compelling,

Impactful, and memorable Speaking Engagements and Presentations.

Through relentless and extensive research,

World class expeditions and explorations, written content (Publications), and film documentaries…

We passionately are committed to Preserve and Honor

The incredible people and events known and unknown, that

changed military, aviation, and World history.

About us

Expedition 2024 – “In Pursuit of the Truth”

With U.S. Navy permission, for the first time in 81 years, our civilian dive team will explore Battleship Row at Pearl Harbor for significant historical artifacts.

Contact Us

Advance Services Productions

537 Wentworth Circle, Aiken, South Carolina 29803, United States
Phone  (310) 749.7388


Monday – Friday: 9am – 5pm
Saturday: By appointment
Sunday: Closed

Copyright © 2020 Advance Services Productions – All Rights Reserved.